Astro Gator Number 58

Original art by Matthew Thiele

Dated 8/19/03. We unexpectedly reconnect with other members of the Astro Gator crew! I think I was inspired by the Green Lantern Corps, which was one of my favorite comics when I was a teenager. Look at those dumb helmets!

Afro Gator’s hair was really fun to draw, and I think it looks great. I like how goofy Astro Anaconda’s eyes look. How are these brave members of the Astro Gator crew going to get off the Abstract Armada’s mothership? And how did they get there in the first place?

Start at the beginning: Astro Gator Number 1

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Matthew Thiele

Teacher. Satirist. Scholar. Published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, McSweeney’s, Ben Jonson Journal, and elsewhere. Definitely not a representative of GSU.