The American University Is Founded on Theft and Betrayal

Things have not changed much in 400 years.

Matthew Thiele
3 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo by Aaron Josephson of UVA’s Rotunda. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Many of America’s oldest schools were constructed on stolen land using the stolen labor of enslaved people. Our colleges and universities continue to demonstrate their dedication to those old practices by exploiting and abusing workers and harming students.

They refuse to return stolen land to its rightful owners. They cynically justify their refusal to recognize the value of student labor. They cram students into classrooms during a global viral epidemic in the name of profit. They support America’s inhumane prisons and its corrupt and vicious armed forces. They serve themselves at the expense of their communities and their constituents.

Higher education supports the prison system mainly by providing facilities for training Corrections Officers. If you’ve never had the pleasure of spending time with a Corrections Officer, you may not know that they are some of the most degenerate traitors and corrupt criminal scumbags you’re likely to meet. The Marshall Project maintains a list of relevant articles.

The school where I work supports the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety through its Criminal Justice Program, and the college participates in the maintenance and operation of a…



Matthew Thiele

Independent scholar and satirist. Published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, McSweeney’s, Ben Jonson Journal, and other fine publications.