What You’ll Love about… Medea by Euripides

Matthew Thiele
8 min readFeb 15, 2022
Crispijn van de Passe, “Medea Confronting Jason.” Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Euripides breaks everything in Medea. Instead of focusing on the noble struggle of a great but flawed man, he focuses on a sordid domestic squabble between a spurned witch, Medea, and a deadbeat “hero” and adulterer, Jason. Four people are dead by play’s end, but neither Medea nor Jason are among the dead. They will both live long, miserable lives while the innocents who are dear to them suffer and die. It is a…



Matthew Thiele

Teacher. Satirist. Scholar. Published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, McSweeney’s, Ben Jonson Journal, and elsewhere. Definitely not a representative of GSU.